Friday, June 04, 2010

Sorry, Robert Gibbs.

“Sometimes it feels like we walk and chew gum and juggle on a unicycle all at the same time. I get that.”

Either President Obama is sometimes doing the impossible, or using mixed metaphors does not preclude you from being the press secretary for the White House. (I'm thinking it's the latter.)

Sorry, Mr. Gibbs, but I fail to see how the president can (metaphorically) walk while being on a unicycle.

I don't get that.

Thursday, June 03, 2010


Michael Oren ends his Op-Ed piece in the New York Times as follows:

"The real peace activists are those who support our vision of a two-state solution, not those supporting the terrorists bent on destroying it."

This is an obvious either/or fallacy: either you are for peace on Israel's terms (my interpretation of the use of "our vision...etc"), or you are supporting terrorism (if not a terrorist yourself). Mr. Oren goes even further because he also defines what it means to be a "peace activist" with the inclusion of the adjective "real"--anyone claiming to be a peace activist who does not agree with Israel's terms for peace is a pretender or a fake. Mr. Oren's statement does not include--in fact it eliminates--a multitude of other possible ways for peace in the region.

Ending the article in this way belies a paranoia on the part of Israel (if I can assume that the Israeli Embassador to the United States can speak on behalf of a nation). Whether or not this paranoia can be justified is an entirely different matter, and I cannot possibly argue that here. But Mr. Oren's statement does separate the entire world into two groups: those that support Israel, and those that are bent on its destruction.

The world is not as simple as that, Mr. Oren.