I tried to write a Shakespearean Sonnet today. I succeeded, but I do not know if it's any good. I wonder if I need to create my own form of the sonnet in order to be a "poet." I was originally just going to number it, but then I thought that would be too much like Shakespeare. Plus, I don't know if will I write any more of these. I remember trying to write a Shakespearean Sonnet a long time ago, but I don't know where it is and I have been too lazy to try and locate it. I actually read a few sonnets to remember the form, which was a terrible mistake as it only pronounced my own inferiority. Still I trudged forward and completed it. I post it now for your amusement:
Thoughts of Last Forever
In the back of my mind I am wrestling
With the thoughts of last forever and I—
Like a bird that has flown from home nestling
In some other sanctuary to die—
Find that I am losing this match against
An eternity appearing in dreams
As an awful wood in which I am fenced
As vultures peck me apart at the seams.
The contenders stand before each other:
One limited, faulty; one flawless, pure,
They interlock, brother against brother,
The battle a symptom and not the cure.
///Still, as the bell rings that sounds my defeat,
///I cannot accept the war is complete.
Sunday, September 13, 2009
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