Since it's all the rage to take internet quizzes, and since internet quizzes accurately reflect who you are and your characteristics, I decided to take one. It's a theological one, a Christian Theologian one. I tried to answer the questions to the best of my ability, given I am not a Christian (we'll leave Russell's apology out of this post). It turns out, as the bar graph will show, that I'm pretty much John Calvin. I'm glad that, unlike
John, I am not 100% of any theologian. It might cause me, given the gravity of internet quizzes, to question my beliefs.
So, these are the results (I have not even heard of half the theologians listed!):
 | You scored as John Calvin. Much of what is now called Calvinism had more to do with his followers than Calvin himself, and so you may or may not be committed to TULIP, though God's sovereignty is all important.
John Calvin | | 73% | Karl Barth | | 67% | Martin Luther | | 60% | Friedrich Schleiermacher | | 60% | Anselm | | 60% | Paul Tillich | | 33% | Jonathan Edwards | | 33% | Jürgen Moltmann | | 33% | Charles Finney | | 20% | Augustine | | 20% |
Which theologian are you? created with |